Monday, April 30, 2007

Day 17: April 30, 2007 and Today's TIP

I was surprised to wake up to the shocking reality that I was actually dreaming about having a cigarette. My mind was playing through all the motions of "lighting up". This was quite interesting because the conflicting thoughts running through my mind were along the lines of "Hold on, where did these come from? I thought I Quit?" When I did wake up, I was relieved to find out it was just a dream.

I was feeling so good about having 16 Days behind me and I just couldn't imagine the thought of a relapse - I think that would have crushed me more than having the actual cigarette. Oddly enough I did not wake up with an actual craving. I was disgusted at the thought of even considering having a cigarette.

Otherwise I'm well rested and exercising. I have been riding my bike at least 5 miles a day. That may not sound like much, but it is when you haven't done it for years. My ride time to cover this distance is getting shorter, so I'll be extending my route in the near future.

I did a quick Google search for Nicotine Quench Plan and discovered that this BLOG was at the top of the list. That's encouraging.

My Nicotine Quench Plan is quickly becoming a routine. The evening hours are still a little rough but I'm working it through. A small snack and a glass of juice around 8:30 pm seems to do the trick.

Today's TIP - Celebrate your Milestones

It's been an awesome ride so far. If you've made it this far, it's fair to say your plan is working for you. As we've said many times before, take it one moment at a time.

I read somewhere that you shouldn't "project into the future". However, I think it's important to celebrate milestones to recognize your accomplishments along the way. Every major goal is broken down into smaller achievable goals or milestones.

During my first week, I went moment by moment - hour by hour, day by day. One day nicotine free is a major milestone in my opinion - especially after smoking for over 30 years.

My Current Milestones:

Day 0 - April 13, 2007 - 1:45 pm QUIT - Hour by Hour - Completed
Daily - April 14 - 20, 2007 - Hour by Hour / Day by Day - Completed
Week 1 - April 21, 2007 - Completed
Week 2 - April 28, 2007 - Completed
Week 3 - In progress

Celebrating a milestone is recognizing what you have accomplished. Celebrate them as they occur.

Day 16: April 29, 2007 and Today's Tip

My Nicotine Quench Plan is pretty much a routine now. As soon as I'm awake, I rush for the kitchen to prepare breakfast. I find that this is the most important step of my day to minimize any cravings, especially first in the morning. For me, it's important to get the blood sugar on the rise as soon as possible. I learned that it takes at least 20 minutes for your body to digest food the "normal way".

While I am not endorsing pharmacological assistance, if you need to enhance your program with nicotine supplements (patches, gums, inhalers, or sprays) visit my Nicotine Quench Kit Accesories at Amazon.

First and foremost - Your plan must work FOR YOU. You may just be trying to stop smoking first - then you can deal with the nicotine. These programs have been successful for many people.

No matter what program you choose, almost every one of them will encourage you to have a plan. It's not a complicated process. My Nicotine Quench Plan is a simple, step by step process that you prepare in advance to help you while you are experiencing nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

Today's TIP

You are encouraged to increase your glucose (sugar) intake to ease the effects of nicotine withdrawal. To take care of my "sugar shortage", my Nicotine Quench Plan encourages taking a mint, candy, or other healthy snack BEFORE the craving hits (anticipation = prevention). If I missed it, I would pop a mint during the craving and go through my Nicotine Quench Plan steps.

Withdrawal Symptoms are TEMPORARY and will subside in a matter of minutes.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Day 15: 28-April-07 and Today's TIP

I have been nicotine free for two weeks now. This morning was a little rougher than I have been accustomed to over the past few days. But I am proud to say that I have two weeks behind me!

I woke up earlier than I wanted to - 5:30 am, on a Saturday of all things. I have a lot of things on my mind and my brain is working overtime. Quitting, however, is not the issue at hand. Oddly enough, I did not think about having a cigarette to help me "reduce the stress".

In keeping with my Nicotine Quench Plan, I made my morning tea and a big bowl of oatmeal. Since I quit smoking, the morning urges for a cigarette seemed to slip away, until today. So, I went biking. I took a different route today. It turns out that this new route took less time and was less enduring to get to the same destination.

I thought about it. You know, a lot of people want to quit smoking, just like I did, but they are looking for an easier way, a short cut. I recognize that everyone will have a different experience when they quit. There is no real formula. The symptoms may be the same in the long run, but the timing is going to be different for everyone.

Everyone's nicotine quench process is unique to their situation. Recognizing this, AMAZON now has a NICOTINE QUENCH KIT Accessories store. Now you can shop online at AMAZON for your Quench products (if you really think you need them).

What you do to QUIT is really up to you. The ultimate objective is to rid your body of the NICOTINE. Remember, your smoking habit was just a method to get nicotine into your system.

Today's TIP

I remind myself that the decision to QUIT smoking was the right decision - NO QUESTION. Every plan has at least two steps - AN ACTION and Consequences. Cravings or Urges to smoke are consequences of the Quit Action. The real trick is to remember the urge or craving is only TEMPORARY - it will go away. I experience fewer "moments" as each day goes by.

I didn't graph the number of times I experienced an urge, but I can honestly say that I'm down to about 2 or 3 a day. Usually mid morning, late afternoon, and just prior to going to bed. When I feel these urges coming on, I usually take a mint or pull out my Dentyne Ice (Spearmint) gum. After a few minutes, all I do is smile and say - I made it through another one.

Do you want to QUIT? Send us an e-mail:

GET YOUR Nicotine Quench at Amazon.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Day 14: 27-April-07 and Today's TIP

Well, another day - NICOTINE FREE - It really does get easier every day. No headaches, sinuses draining nicely, deep breathing. My NICOTINE QUENCH KIT is working great and I feel terrific.

Tomorrow I will be celebrating TWO WEEKS NICOTINE FREE and I'm looking forward to it. All I can manage is the here and now, but I do encourage celebrating your milestones.

AMAZON now has a NICOTINE QUENCH KIT Accessories store. Now you can shop online at AMAZON for your Quench products (if you really think you need them).

I'm not going to spend much time here today - it's FRIDAY. If you want to QUIT or you just want to find out HOW, send us a note:

Of course, you can read my previous blog notes as well. I'm trying to keep this updated every day. I am here to HELP.

Today's TIP:
If your feeling a little tired, don't push yourself too hard. Take a break to re-energize yourself - even a nap if you have to. It's well worth the while.

Eating breakfast will help you to overcome that first thing in the morning URGE.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Today' Tip

Stay focused on your goals. Tweak the PLAN if necessary. Remember your cravings or urges are only temporary.

I recorded every day of my QUIT experience from my last cigarette and I do my best to keep it current. Every day had it's moments but I made through every one of them without lighting up a cigarette or taking a "nicotine" supplement.

If you're having a tough time, focus on the PLAN. Simply make it through the current craving. Don't project about all the other cravings you think you're going to experience. Don't think - "If every day is going to be like this - Forget it." The reason why I'm telling you this, is that every day get's a little easier not harder.

Need a copy of my Nicotine Quench PLAN? Send an e-mail to

For more information or products you can also visit my Nicotine Quench Kit Accessories at AMAZON. You'll find everything you need and more.

When day 18 came around, I came back to edit this post - IT ACTUALLY DOES get EASIER. Now back to the future.

Day 13 - April 26, 2007

It's a cool Thursday. No urge to smoke at all this morning. It's getting easier every day. The Nicotine Quench is working great. We have received numerous requests for copies of our Nicotine Quench Kit. We teach you HOW to quit smoking. To request your copy, simply e-mail us at:

I smoked cigarettes for over 30 years. Thanks to my Nicotine Quench Kit, I won't be smoking again. You can quit just like I did. I developed the Nicotine Quench Kit based on my actual QUIT experience. It's not as tough as the people "who want to profit from your withdrawal process" want you to think it is.

Today's Tip:

I honestly think that one of the keys to success is avoiding areas where smoking is permitted. In other words, don't hang around other people when or while they are smoking. If your friends or co-workers are smoking, you should really start noticing how they smell when they return from their break. It's not pretty - especially if it's been cold outside.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Day 12: April 25, 2007

My NICOTINE QUENCH PLAN is a practical solution to end your addiction to NICOTINE. I have successfully "QUENCHED" every urge to smoke using my NICOTINE QUENCH PLAN. I am convinced - I can stop smoking for LIFE and so can YOU.

The method is simple and painless. Believe it or not, you do NOT need cigarettes or NICOTINE in your system to stay alive.

Smoking is a choice. Smoking is a decision. YOU are in CONTROL. Learn HOW to quit with our NICOTINE QUENCH PLAN - intelliQUENCH Technology.

11 Days behind me - No urges today - YET. I am totally focused on improving my health. It seems to be a natural extension of the quitting process. Again - keep your focus on what matters most to you at the moment. Don't let the thoughts of smoking another cigarette distract you.

EVERY craving or urge is TEMPORARY.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Day 11: April 24, 2007

I'm not feeling the urge to smoke first thing in the morning. Reminding myself that the symptoms I do feel are only temporary and will subside in a few minutes makes it much easier to deal with the cravings I do contend with during the day.

These are only TEMPORARY symptoms of Nicotine withdrawal.
Nicotine left my system 72 hours after my last cigarette.
Any URGE is in my mind - not a physical NEED.
I maintain my blood sugar by snacking.
I survived the last 11 days without.

Have a great day! This is getting easier. COLD Turkey is the better way.

Monday, April 23, 2007

DAY 10: April 23, 2007

Today is DAY 10. The white strips are starting to show positive results. Still fending off the urges to smoke. I'm finding that it affects me more at night than during the day. Probably because there's more to do during the day to keep me busy.

I have noticed that more people are smoking outside. I don't know why, but I seem to be able to smell cigarettes burning but I don't see anyone close by actually smoking. Perhaps my subconscious mind is still looking for the nicotine dose.

Yesterday, a person was within about 6 feet of me. She smoked. The stale "smoke" smell didn't necessarily offend me, but, for the first time in a long time, I'm starting to understand a little better what all the fuss is about.

The bike is working well for me. I'm biking about 15 miles a day. I can cover a lot more territory than with walking. I also find it seems to be a little more of a work out and easier on the joints.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

DAY 9: April 22, 2007

Nicotine Free - Yet another day. Major exercise today - biking. I haven't been on it for 3 years. Added air to the tires last night only to have the back tire blow out in front of me. That's not the way I like to get my adrenaline going. Anyway, I replaced the inner tube today and back to riding again.

No major urges or cravings today. It was actually an easy day.

I think a key strategy here is avoiding the smoking zones. There is no sense going to an area where you know people are smoking. If you do have to pass through the smoking area - don't linger, make it quick.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Day 8: April 21, 2007

This is DAY 8 - OVER 1 WEEK, Nicotine Free. My Nicotine Quench plan is working. The Quench Kit is being tweaked a little. I'm doing another 5 mile walk today - 2.5 miles are already behind me.

Weight gain is not a problem if you can satisfy your cravings with a low calorie, sugar free gum. The gum I chew has 3 calories, 0 fat, 1g of carbohydrates, 0 sugar, 0 protein.

I didn't post day 7 - 1 week. I was out celebrating. Watched a great movie (Fractured) and bought white strips to improve the smile.

I really have to stress the "STAY AWAY" from places where smoking is permitted. It's pretty tough to do in public places, but you really want to avoid exposure to cigarette smoke at all cost. That's pretty tough to do in public places. Part of the Quench plan is being prepared for these events. I grabbed my gum and toughed it through another short "TEMPORARY" urge while I waited for the bus.

It's too nice to be blogging for too long. Smoke Free and enjoying it.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

My Nicotine Quench Plan

Intellectual Property - All Rights Reserved

Turning Quitters into Winners

The plan to QUENCH your nicotine addiction is finally revealed. My unique Nicotine Quench Plan Strategy is based on my personal QUIT experience. Like most people, I didn't know what to expect after I decided to QUIT. This time, I decided to take a different approach.

I developed and documented a Nicotine Quench Plan that enabled me to deal with the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. Now there is no reason to be anxious or unsure. My Nicotine Quench Plan gives you a solid strategy to help you QUIT successfully.

I have documented every day of my QUIT experience so you can stop smoking like I did without spending any of your hard-earned money on products that only build up the anxieties you already have about quitting. If you are wondering if you can quit smoking - YOU CAN. I will show you how to design and implement YOUR own PERSONALIZED Nicotine Quench Plan that turns quitters into winners.

The objective of the Nicotine Quench Plan is to show you HOW to quit smoking successfully. The fact that you are reading this right now strongly suggests that you WANT to quit. You should already know WHY you are quitting. Understanding the "WHY" will help you to develop your Nicotine Quench Plan. There are numerous resources available to educate you on the effects of nicotine and help you to quit smoking. To see some of the many books and products available visit my Nicotine Quench Kit Accessories at Amazon.

The Nicotine Quench Plan developed here is based on my own experience to successfully quit smoking. My goal is to help you develop your own personalized Nicotine Quench Plan. Remember, what worked for me may not exactly work for you, however, the Nicotine Quench Strategy, is the same for everyone. We all want to be Nicotine Free.

Nicotine Quench: Goal - Strategy - Plan

We have our goal - Freedom from Nicotine. The strategy is to eliminate Nicotine products from our present lifestyle and to establish a plan to sustain this lifestyle once it has been achieved. Every plan has at least two steps: 1 - Take action and, 2 - Deal with the consequences.

We should be clear on step 1: The Action = QUIT SMOKING. Recognize the problem: You are addicted to nicotine and quite simply - smoking (nicotine) is bad for you. The risks to your health are far greater than the "need" to keep smoking. Again, you are addicted to nicotine - smoking cigarettes is just one method of delivery to your system.

I highly recommend that you study the effects and risks Nicotine has on you and those around you. Nicotine is a highly addictive drug. My objective here is to reveal to you how I used my Nicotine Quench Plan to successfully quit smoking and effectively eliminate my dependency on Nicotine.

I am not a medical expert. My Nicotine Quench Plan helped me to effectively deal with the nicotine withdrawal symptoms that I experienced. A tremendous amount of material has been written to explain the effects of nicotine and cigarette smoking. For more information, I recommend visiting my Nicotine Quench Kit Accessories at Amazon.

I have talked to many people who have successfully quit smoking. Some for a few months, others for 20+ years. The majority seem to suggest that COLD Turkey is the best method of quitting. You're probably thinking that this is not the technique for you, and I may be inclined to agree. Again, this is what worked for me and I have to tell you, it's not that difficult. The greatest fear is in your mind, wondering how you will survive without cigarettes. That's the reason why we're developing the Nicotine Quench Plan, so you'll know exactly what to do when you THINK you need a cigarette.

The Action = Quitting - COLD TURKEY

Recognize the goal: To become nicotine free. The good news is that it will take your body about 3 days to clean out the nicotine after you quit. Everything you feel after that are simply the consequences - withdrawal symptoms. I recommend the cold turkey approach because it simply forces you to deal with the inevitable right now. There's no sense prolonging your actual "QUIT". What's the sense of taking 7 weeks to learn how to quit.

The numerous cessation programs, hypnosis, laser therapy, acupuncture, patches, inhalers, gums, and other nicotine related products all seem to suggest that "just quitting must be impossible". It's not. You are addicted to nicotine. Does it really make sense to embrace alternative nicotine delivery systems or technologies?

Developing YOUR personal Nicotine Quench

The best way to quit is to understand what you can expect and be prepared in advance. In other words, understand the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal and have an upfront plan to deal with them accordingly. You will have to deal with both the physiological and psychological aspects of nicotine withdrawal. The solution to both is simple - DON'T SMOKE - the desire is temporary.

The Nicotine QUENCHES are intended to give you a prepared solution to deal with the consequences or symptoms of nicotine withdrawal.

So now your objective is to focus on developing your plan to DEAL with the consequences of nicotine withdrawal. There are two personal and very close elements working against you: YOUR MIND, and YOUR BODY. In my opinion, the body is the least of your concerns. This is quite literally a "mind over matter" quench. My experience suggests that that my cravings and urges are were driven from the mind despite the physical symptoms I was experiencing. I learned that it takes 3 days for the nicotine to leave your body after your last cigarette. If that's true - what drives the urge to smoke beyond 3 days or a week - the mind.

You can request a copy of my Nicotine Quench Kit / Plan by sending an e-mail to You may also want to see what other materials or resources are available to you at my Nicotine Quench Kit Accessories on Amazon.

MIND Quench

Prepare a good list of reasons with very good arguments for WHY you quit. It doesn't have to be long list, but it does have to be tangible and meaningful. Don't underestimate the power of your mind and the rationalizations you will encounter when there is an urge or craving to smoke. You are your own counsel - there will come a time when you must convince yourself - without a doubt - that this experience is ONLY TEMPORARY and I will not sell myself short of my goal to be nicotine free.

Why Quit: QUIT FOR YOURSELF. Have a list of reasons:

  • Stop Killing YOURSELF - Protect your health.
  • Consider the affect on others (second hand smoke / illness / death)
  • Stop LOSING valuable time and money.
    • Save money - how much do you spend on a pack of cigarettes?
    • Save time - how much time do you lose a day, a month, a year?
  • Feel Fresh and Smell Clean
  • Fresh Breath
  • Breathe Easier
  • Improve Personal Physical Fitness
  • Set New Goals - Your WANT list to celebrate your success

Frame your reasons for Quitting in the proper perspective. What would you gain - effective immediately - if you QUIT smoking right now. If I stopped smoking right now I would:

  • Not be wasting so much time going out for a cigarette
  • Save money - more pocket change
  • Smell Fresh
  • Be Refreshed - Better rested
  • Not have Nicotine Stains on my fingers
  • Have Fresh Breath
  • Taste things differently
  • Be Free to go any where at any time
  • NOT be wondering when I can smoke my next cigarette
  • Not be making special side trips to buy cigarettes
  • Save fuel from these special little trips
  • Have Clean, Fresh Smelling belongings - House, Car.
  • Have a happy wife and kids

We all recognize what could happen if we keep smoking. Unfortunately, if they haven't happened YET, it is highly unlikely that this will motivate you to QUIT in the long run. We are typically motivated by actual experiences not by images of what may or may not happen.

Everyone who has quit smoking has experienced the same symptoms you will, or are presently, experiencing. The good news is - they lived through it. Armed with the right tools you too can cope with the symptoms. THEY ARE TEMPORARY.

Create a MIND Quench by preparing a list of simple activities you enjoy that engage either your mind or body or both. Changing your focus to a new activity will force a mind-shift to the new activity and you will literally lose focus on the urge to smoke. I'm not endorsing any specific activities, but puzzles (Sudoku, Word Find) do the trick for me. I recommend choosing a "new to you" activity. The reason is simple. Your mind / body has not learned to link the new activity to a "nicotine reward" and the idea is to break any nicotine triggers from recurring while you are dealing with the present craving. I smoked for over 30 years, any time, all the time. There aren't too many activities in my life that were not connected or linked to smoking or nicotine reward in some way.

Can you recall a time when you went to a theatre and lost all track of time because you were so caught up in the movie? That is the best example of a MIND Quench analogy I can think of. Nicotine Replacement Therapy is not finding another way to get nicotine into your system. You are addicted to Nicotine. It is my opinion that "supplements" only prolong the inevitable. If you want to see the different products that are available to you, visit my Nicotine Quench Kit Accessories at Amazon.

Do's and Don'ts

Do - Tell someone close to you that you quit and ask them to support you (tolerate you for a short period of time).

Do - Take it one moment at a time - seconds, minutes, hours, days - whatever it takes to get through the "temptation"

Do - Eat regular meals (especially breakfast) and healthy snacks

Do - Drink fresh water or natural fruit juices to flush your system and keep your blood sugar up

Do - Take several deep breaths of air whenever you are "hanging" (craving) or feeling the urge

Do - Understand nicotine withdrawal symptoms are TEMPORARY, the urge to smoke will usually only last 7 minutes

Do - AVOID areas where smoking is permitted - you don't want any sensory triggers (sight / smell) working against you

Do - Develop a Nicotine Replacement Therapy / Plan - Exercise, Healthy Snacks

Do - Use positive self talk - You are a winner by being a quitter - You are in control

Do - Track your progress - Time (days, weeks), Money saved, Personal fitness - How are you feeling / looking?

Do - Add the POSITIVE CHANGES to your List of Reasons for Quitting: YOUR WHY = YOUR MIND QUENCH

Do - Maintain FRESH Breath - Brush your teeth more frequently (carry a toothbrush)

Do - Carry your favorite gum or candy with you at all times.

Do - Avoid Stress. Don't leave things to chance. Plan and prepare options in advance.

Do - Create and celebrate your milestones (Daily, Weekly, Monthly).

Do - Reward your successes and achievements (milestones).

Don't - buy cigarettes - they only come in packs

Don't - smoke one just to take the "edge off". The logic of "It's only ONE" will become "the FIRST of MANY".

Don't - give up or lose hope - you can do this.

Don't - worry about weight gain - this is easier to manage than the effects of smoking ever will be

Don't - create the "special occasion" cigarette.

Don't - project into the future - deal with the here and now

Don't - give in to stress. If Stress is a problem, smoking only MASKS the problem.

Don't - skip meals, especially breakfast. Your body needs the energy to rebuild.

Don't - forget, you are not alone, talk to someone. Visit the links and resources provided.

Don't - engage with friends or others while they are smoking - they should understand your absence

Don't - be afraid to be honest with yourself about what you are feeling - journals are good for this

Keep it real - Survive the moment. Celebrate the day, the week, the month - enjoy your success. What will you feel during the first five days?

  • Frustrated
  • Irritable
  • Anxious
  • Hungry
  • Tired
  • Restless
  • Fear
  • Energized

Coping with stress can be rough. When I'm experiencing stressful situations, my mind starts craving nicotine (cigarettes). Fortunately, this is a conscious, controllable situation that can be addressed with an effective Mind Quench.

The Mind QUENCH for stress is simple. Rather than falling prey to the nicotine craving, I find myself asking how the situation became this stressful to begin with and what could I do to avoid or prevent this in the future. This definitely shifts the focus from desiring nicotine to solving the immediate problem at hand. I recognize that having a cigarette will not change the current circumstances.

The desire to smoke is only temporary. Take the time necessary to think through the current situation. If you're planning an event, also create a contingency plan just in case the first plan fails. This way you'll have an exit strategy when confronted with the problem.

The NICOTINE QUENCH Plan is designed to give you an exit strategy from your craving. It's your personal distress strategy to deal with your craving for nicotine. Rehearse your Mind QUENCH and give yourself positive feedback.

BODY Quench

Create a BODY Quench to deal with the physical aspects of nicotine withdrawal by preparing a list of physical activities or exercises that will refocus your mind and body on an alternative thought process - away from the urge. If you are like me, physical exercise was not high on my priority list when I was smoking. In this case, it's a positive opportunity since it is very unlikely that you have nicotine triggers associated with a physical workout.

  • Walk every day when you feel the energy starting to build: 2 to 5 miles. This will give you time to think and process your thoughts and feelings. More than likely no one will be joining you, so you'll be alone to work it through.
  • Prevent / Anticipate the urges - keep healthy snacks nearby and always have a glass of juice or water at your side. Continually sipping the juice will keep your blood sugars up.
  • When your tired - take a nap, or, simply go to bed. Your rest is important as your body rebuilds and rejuvenates itself.
  • Start a journal - keep it simple - it may help you to write down your experiences as you go through your QUIT.
  • CRUNCHES - when I have a really strong urge - I do crunches. You can't help but focus on your ABS if you're doing them right. Besides, remember the weight gain concern? This will help you knock off the pounds and give you great ABS in the process.

The principle here is the same as your MIND Quench - Your mind / body has not learned to link the new activity to a "nicotine reward" and the idea is to break any nicotine triggers from recurring while you are dealing with the present craving or urge.

The concept is simple enough - Develop your Nicotine QUENCH Plan. Although you might think otherwise, your Nicotine QUENCH techniques are not intended to be a punishment. Eat and do things you enjoy. You will likely carry on with your QUENCH activities long after you have abandoned your nicotine addiction. The nice part is - you probably won't remember making the transition to your new lifestyle - nicotine free.

If you are having extreme difficulties dealing with the withdrawal symptoms, you may find some relief with Nicotine Supplements. If you need more information on products that are available to you, visit my Nicotine Quench Kit Accessories at Amazon.

The chronology - Living with my NICOTINE QUENCH PLAN

Day 0: Friday, April 13, 2007 at 1:45 pm.

Quit DAY - Friday, April 13, 2007 at 1:45 pm. My system basically went into some shock and I had to frequently remind myself that I don't smoke any more. I consider my QUIT DAY as DAY ZERO.

I couldn't smoke in the house, so when I had my last cigarette, I didn't have any ashtrays to take care of. All I had to do was pitch the empty pack and extinguished cigarette butt in the garbage when I went back into the house.

This was my QUIT day. My wife and I are celebrating our anniversary today. I couldn't think of a better time or reason to quit smoking than this. It's an excellent reminder of one of the reasons why I quit. The decision to QUIT was just that, a decision, a choice.

I attempted to quit many years before (about 15 years ago) using a "program". The reality is that I think I failed the program. It wasn't the program that failed me, in part, because I didn't make the decision to QUIT. Although I expressed the desire to quit someday, somebody else bought the "kit" for me and said, "Here, try this." The program was great in some respects - the motivational tape was awesome. Unfortunately, I wasn't really committed at that time to quit. To be honest, I really enjoyed smoking.

But today times are a little different. Things have changed - circumstances, new anti-smoking legislation, and the constant reminders from friends, family, and the media all emphasize that SMOKING IS GOING TO KILL YOU or SOMEONE CLOSE TO YOU eventually.

I already knew smoking was bad. I entered a public speaking contest when I was a teenager and you'll never guess what my topic was - that's right - SMOKING. I convinced my Dad to quit. No sooner did he quit his 3 pack a day habit, and I was just starting mine.

I wasn't interested in the all the bad things that Nicotine was, or could be, doing. I just wanted to QUIT - period. The process here if fairly straight forward. The government would not undertake and impose major legislation to ban smoking from virtually every public space (including the workplace) if second hand smoke was good for you. I don't think the tobacco companies would settle major legal and class action lawsuits if the cases against them lacked evidence or credibility.

It is very clear to me WHY I need to quit smoking. Most people I know who do smoke wish they could quit. So, what am I doing here? I thought, there must be a way to quit - successfully - forever - for life. If I can discover the secret to successfully quit smoking (Nicotine Withdrawal), document the results, and let other people know HOW I quit smoking - then every one wins.

Day 1:

My systems is still in shock. I woke up with a craving. I immediately went down stairs and ate breakfast. This is not my normal routine - I don't normally eat breakfast. I also made tea. Another anomaly since I normally have coffee. Either way, it wasn't long and the urge went away. Sugar levels in the body elevated. This is good. My system is either in shock or just my mind and body are just generally confused and don't know what's going on.

I was consciously aware that I was not smoking and it seemed to be a constant thought in the back of my mind. Any time an urge seemed to be too much I drank water, went for a quick walk, and patiently worked my way through this TEMPORARY craving. Taking deep breaths is a good reminder that your lungs are required to breathe. Rigorous exercise is one way to make sure you will be taking deep breaths.

I was definitely feeling a little uptight throughout the day, but I knew this was the right decision to make. Crunches are a phenomenal muscle burner. Your abdomen will appreciate the work out for sure. I'm not that heavy, however, I understand that weight gain may become an issue. I'm thinking that some sort of exercise should minimize any potential for weight gain.

Day 2:

This was a very tough day but it could have been worse without my Nicotine Quench Plan. I woke up very early and I was restless, anxious, and frustrated. I was feeling extremely irritable which may come across as being "angry". I wasn't angry because I had no reason to be.

From time to time I have been feeling a little light headed or "dizzy". It's almost like a little "rush". Research suggests that this is one of the effects of increased oxygen in the blood.

I drank a lot of water today and always had a glass of juice with me. My mind seemed to be "racing" as each hour passed. The cravings were recurring at least every hour or two. They didn't last long (no more than five minutes) but they were there throughout the day.

The physical symptoms seemed to be more in the form of "pent up" energy. That's where the PHYSICAL Quench Plan came to my aid. I exercised by either walking or doing crunches. I walked at least 5 miles or more and did a lot of crunches. It is amazing how quickly crunches can take your mind off of nicotine. WOW.

As far as the MIND Quench is concerned, I reminded myself that the withdrawal symptoms are only TEMPORARY and will subside in a matter of minutes. I didn't time the actual duration of the "craving" but I know it wasn't any more than 5 minutes. I knew I could deal with that.

Day 3:

I had another very light sleep. Drinking juice - water, deep breathing exercises, lot's of crunches / 5 mile walk, overall this was a good day. Breakfast (oatmeal) first thing in the morning with my tea. I thought about "not" having the cigarette this morning, but I didn't have the craving. That was nice for a change.

Although my sleeping habits seem to have been disrupted somewhat, I'm not exhausted. I have noticed that the afternoons seem to drag on a little. Very few urges to smoke today. I still have a glass of juice with me all the time.

My plan requires regular consumption of water and / or juice and exercise. I'm not drinking when the urge or craving occurs. The idea is to drink the juice with the thought of "PREVENTING" an urge or craving. In other words, if you anticipate when your CRAVING may occur, take a drink of juice 20 - 25 minutes before it actually does. Then you can tell yourself that, "I can't possibly be having a craving for nicotine, I just had some juice about 20 minutes ago." As long as the craving is here, I know it's only TEMPORARY so I will survive. Besides, I experienced the same symptoms yesterday and lived through it. No problem.

You want to "trick" your mind and avoid having that "how do I deal with this craving" discussion with yourself. The whole idea behind the Nicotine Quench Plan is to have a strategy prepared in ADVANCE to deal with the symptoms of Nicotine Withdrawal (cravings) BEFORE they happen.

The Nicotine Quench Plan is not to far from planning a vacation or a trip: You know why you're going, where you're going, what you need to pack, when you're leaving, how long you'll be gone, how you're going to get there, WHAT your going to do when you arrive, when and how you're coming back.

  • I'm feeling the craving because I quit smoking cigarettes - This is a symptom of nicotine withdrawal
  • I know this is only temporary and will only last a few minutes
  • I'm going to take a sip of water or juice
  • I'm going to take a few deep breaths of fresh air
  • I'm going to do an activity I enjoy to change the scenery
      • Take a short walk or do so some crunches or,
      • Stay seated and do a quick puzzle (Sudoku).
  • I'll get back to my normal routine in 10 or 15 minutes
  • I will congratulate myself for making it through another crunch
  • I'll get back to what I was doing before my short break

I'm still feeling light headed on occasion. This seems to be the most prevalent physical experience.

Day 4:

Another light sleep and pretty much having the same experience as day 3. The Nicotine Quench Plan is working. Today I didn't wake up with any urge or craving to smoke. I added a few healthy snacks (nuts), bought some longer lasting mints and gum. I am experiencing minor cravings in mid-morning, late afternoon, and about an hour before I retire for the day.

I'm using the same Quench Plan and walking about about 5 miles a day. I don't drink any beverages containing alcohol. If there is one lesson learned from others who have attempted to quit smoking - this is one of them. I have heard the story too many times and even used it myself at least once - "I was at a party and I thought, "You know, cigarette and a nice cold drink just go together ..." You know the rest of the story. Addicted to Nicotine ALL OVER AGAIN. What a Waste. Not this time.

Day 5:

I did not experience any major urges today except for a little anxiety late in the day. I did my normal deep breathing routine and talked my way through the cravings. I did my 5 mile walk, drank a lot of juice, and ate a few healthy snacks. I haven't been doing any major gorging. My snacks are not intended "replace" cigarettes. I'm not replacing my craving for nicotine with a new craving for food. As I said in my Day 3, the idea is to snack or drink juice and water BEFORE experiencing the craving. I'm not trying to develop a new habit based on my prior nicotine triggers. I have been experiencing some anxiety later on in the day. This is probably because my evening routines are very similar to when I was smoking - in other words, the same triggers are still prevalent at night. I've been taking some short evening walks to burn some of my excess energy, and taking some good deep breaths.

Day 6:

Another light sleep. Not very restful at all. I woke with a mild craving this morning so I had a quick breakfast right away. I was feeling a little frustrated and anxious. I did my 5 mile walk and decided to update the journal. I was definitely feeling better by mid afternoon although feeling a little tired. They say -don't project into the future but - I can't help but notice - tomorrow is my WEEK 1 milestone and I'm looking forward to it.

Day 7: It's been 1 WEEK and my NICOTINE QUENCH PLAN is Working - I'm leaving the rest to My NICOTINE QUENCH BLOG


Get started NOW. I DID IT and YOU CAN TOO! Send me an e-mail at for your free copy my Nicotine Quench Plan or my Nicotine Quench Kit.

For more literature and / or products to help you to quit smoking visit my Nicotine Quench Kit Accessories at Amazon.

IF YOU RELAPSE - Hopefully YOU won't NEED this OPTION.

Relapse isn't usually part of the recovery program. You may feel guilty, or worse, you might actually feel good. If you're committed to your quit, then pass this off as a slip and continue with your no smoking program. Review your past progress, and recognize that you don't want to repeat the process again. It's important to understand that a relapse can occur.

Many people have tried and failed - MYSELF Included. I just didn't have the motivation or the method until now.

LookSmart's FindArticles - Once is too much - research on relapses after quitting smoking Psychology Today, Feb, 1988, by Cheryl Simon.

In a nutshell, the progress of 348 people who decided to quit smoking was monitored for at least a year. 58% failed to make it through the first month. 83% failed to make through their first year.

The psychological aspects of nicotine withdrawal can be devastating to your success if you're not properly prepared or motivated to QUIT.

Your REASONS for QUITTING, or the WHY, will ultimately become your psychological "MIND QUENCH" through the nicotine withdrawal process. The reasons must be real and tangible. To create your WHY, ask yourself the following question. If I didn't smoke, how or what would be different in my life today, right now?

  • I would have more money in my pocket.
  • I wouldn't be making special trips to the store.
  • I wouldn't have wasted so much time going out for a cigarette.
  • I wouldn't smell so bad, especially in the winter.
  • I wouldn't have to empty the ashtrays all the time.
  • I wouldn't have these headaches.
  • My wife and kids would stop telling me to QUIT.
  • I wouldn't have these nicotine stained fingers.
  • I wouldn't be coughing up "stuff" from my lungs.
  • I would be getting a better sleep.
  • I would eat healthier foods.
  • I would taste things differently.
  • I wouldn't have nicotine stains on my walls, in my car.
  • I would have a cleaner, fresher smelling home.

Don't look at the relapse as a reason for giving up the QUIT altogether. Just pick up where you left off. Although the count starts back to day 0, just move forward. The people you know who are still smokers will understand your failure and welcome you back with open arms. I know this from my own experiences. Do you have a group of ex-smokers who would welcome you back if you decided to QUIT again?

This document is Intellectual Property - Nicotine Quench Technologies - Nicotine Quench Plan - Nicotine Quench Kit - Nicotine Quench Plan - Nicotine Quench - Nicotine Quenches - Nicotine Quencher - Nicotine Quenching - "The Nicotine Quench" - Copyright April 13, 2007

We do not endorse any specific products, services, or websites. intelliQUENCH Technologies, Nicotine Quench Technologies, Nicotine Quench Plan, Nicotine Quench Strategies, or it's affiliates will not be held liable for any products, remedies, or services. The consumer and / or purchaser assumes all risk, actual or implied. Products are warranted by the manufacturers.

I highly recommend contacting the The Canadian Cancer Society. The Smokers' Help line is 1 877 513-5333

or visit their websites at:,