Monday, March 16, 2009

Smoke Free Cigarettes?

Smoke FREE Cigarettes?

Believe it. They finally did it. Electronic smoke free nicotine delivery systems. A report appeared on the front page of the Toronto Star a few days ago featuring a new electronic SmokeStik. I wasn't surprised that the technology existed but the fact that it made the front page was quite amazing.

How does it Work?

The device actually appears to assimilate the features of a cigarette and provides the sensation of smoking.

The New Problem

Managing the technology seems to be the new problem that must be taken care of. The article readily points out that there are no laws banning the device but its use in areas where smoking is not permitted has caught many people off guard, including our governments.

Of course there are many views, but two prevail:

  1. The device is a gateway for non-smokers to become smokers.
  2. A smoker could use this device to become smoke free.
The results

A friend of mine actually bought one of these on line a few months ago. They think it's great. They are no longer going outside to smoke their regular cigarettes.

On one hand, I think productivity will likely improve for some companies. On the other hand, people may start taking in more nicotine than they have in the recent past.

Well, here's to technology - electronics no less.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Day 73: June 25, 2007, and Today's TIP

It is becoming increasingly difficult for me to find the time to keep this up to date due to my new assignment. Unfortunately there may be a few days where I just won't be able to post.

Fortunately, I am still nicotine FREE and it's getting easier as time goes by. My new assignment is putting me in situations where I have no choice but to be around people while they are smoking. I'm thankful for my Nicotine QUENCH Plan.

I am very sensitive to the "after" smell of smoking. It really is quite awful.

Today's TIP

The benefits of quitting last a life time. ENJOY every one of them and continue to find new and become aware of new benefits. You may surprise yourself.